sábado, 14 de julio de 2012

Poppy's 50

Se me fue de las manos ;(

I was very proud of myself. I had found a website were I could design the invitations, people would reply there and it will update who had answer.

Yesterday on the way to Mas Roure Vell, my friends house were the party would be held. In the car with my sister, Paloma, and an amazing friend, Pitusi, we decided to go through the list and check who would be coming.
Suddenly Paloma says: I'm counting and it comes out to 86!!! Not 56 as we thought!
Shock! Shocked!! And stunned, what the hell was going on???
The system had count the person that had confirmed, that's what I saw!! And also had head count the assistants, and I hadn't check that.
It has taken me 24 hours to assimilate it and realize we will have to cook for a 50% more of people.
Thanks God we came out with this disastrous news yesterday and not next Saturday when the people arrived.
Can you imagine, if we had cooked and placed 56 people and we realized there were 86¿?

-- Desde Mi iPhone

Ubicación:Mas Roure Vell

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